Monday, January 04, 2010


Think the two week "Break" enabled me to accomplish most of the loose ends. Spent alot of time with the gang... (Little Bunny, can you please go google that very interesting "joint" at TP?), spent some time with the family, managed to spring clean my house into something remotely decent, visited I's study (love the home concept, can almost feel myself studying there), hung out with some other peeps... all in all, mission accomplished.

January is going to be busy as a bee work wise (I completely shut down for 2 weeks doing the bare minimum), of which the bulk of it is going to be spent in Manila. Crossing fingers that I will be able to come back after 3 weeks, and that it does not stretch into February... Lots of discussions and decisions to be made in the coming month... *cross fingers*

Looking down my list of things... only two (major) items outstanding... to see Baby E before he turns 1, and something other.


Blogger Jookette said...

me not part of ur list!!!

3:40 PM  

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