Saturday, September 26, 2009

A Deliberation over Eats and Fats

Was trying hard to stay off the internet (and msn) coz of the pile of flowcharts that I need to complete. Friday was absolutely disastrous (it was a hotpot of bad news at work), and thus, I had the lofty ambition to get my act together and finally get some work done. Couple of hours of staring hopelessly at the flowcharts, and the net beckoned. Haha.. such is my determination.

Past 3 days has been "eats" heaven...
  • Day 1 was mum's birthday dinner at dim joy folllowed by Mao Shan Wang
  • Day 2 was a splendid dinner with the BEB. 8 course Japanese degustation.
    1. Appetiser platter comprising seaweed, milk tofu, and some unnamed veg

    2. Dreamy sashimi platter (tuna, sea bass, kempachi and sama)

    3. Foie Gras chawanmushi

    4. Assorted vegetables (jap pumkin and yam) and rice cake coated with chilli sauce

    5. Deep fried sama

6. Wagyu Beef

7. Miso soup and crab rice

8. Desert platter comprising of banana pudding, jelly, mango pudding
Photos of this night courtesy of the BEB
  • Day 3 was doing what I do best, managed to hook Miss ED up with Mr Macs and XDD over many different parts of wagyu beef and Sake at Gyu Kaku. Hee, have managed to bring different groups of friends together again!
But of course, all that eating had me pondering over the "side" effects, i.e. my growing love handles. If only there was a way to eat without gaining weight. Ponder ponder. An increase in my social life does tend to lead to a decrease in my available wardrobe choices. Sighs. It's amazing that stuff that I bought nary a few months back are now too tight! If only I had the discipline that Miss ED has... I could do with a few runs / cycles /swims. And yes, as P said in her blog, work is not an excuse for not exercising.

Just finished reading a hilarious book "Confessions of a Jane Austen addict", where a 21st century JA fan found herself waking up as a JA character. And the first thing she remarked upon? How her new body was so much more svelte and less prone to suffering the side effects of calorie intake. A choice passage:
"I think of some stranger inhabiting my body, just as I am in habiting Jane's. I can just see this Jane person surveying my belly and criticizing my flabby thighs. Or the cellulite on my ass. It's not that I;m a abd-looking woman or anything. But I'm not the long, willowy beauty that Jane is."
Isn't it any clearer what all women are concerned about? Hmmm... I so want to re-read JA all over again.

Anyways, this entire "fat" discussion brought a question to mind. Since gaining weight is inevitible, if we could choose a target area to put on the weight, where would that be? (Nope, the "frontal chest" area is not an option.) I am forever complaining about how my arms are fat magnets and as such, nothing looks good on me unless I am stick thin. I reckon, in this season's baby doll dress world, the waist is a good area to gain weight. You can literally pack on the pounds there and no one will be none the wiser. Unless of course, you like to go swimming... haha.


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