Sunday, September 20, 2009

Quietly Listening

Did not bring my work home on this long weekend... as such, find myself with plenty of alone time. I think it's nice to have this long break every once in a while. Was trying to find the inspiration to "move on"; do the dishes, wash the clothes, even jump into the pool for my weekly stretch, but ended up switching on the tv instead. Coincidentally, there's this China music awards programme on, and I started listening to song after familiar song... all the music "greats" and all the memories that came with it. 

Never really thought of myself as someone who is particulary "involved" with music... I am definitely tone deaf to start off with, and cannot hold a tune. But yet, I do find myself unable to picture a life devoid of music. It has after all accompanied me through many late nights, and many happy and sad times. Thanks to the brilliant talent out there, I believe that at any point of time, I will always be able to find a song that depicts my current frame of thought,  a song that I can relate to. 

It's been one of those not too good times at work of late. Alot of things to do, with me not accomplishing any of my given tasks. There's talk of increased travel and pay cuts... I need to search for that inspiration... and soon. But right now, just having an idyllic morning with the book and the tv... something that I appreciate.  


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