Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's been all quiet for a while. Been busy doing plenty of OT due to the imminent arrival of the BOSS! It's also renovation time at the office, and I am going to be further isolated! Time to make new friends... C is shifting to a totally different premise, and S is on maternity leave! Feels as though I am starting anew all over again!

Another month, another new country. Must say that Taiwan's turned out to be a surprise. I actually do like the place quite a bit! Or maybe coz I'm here in the correct month. Tee Hee. It's summer sale period hence... shopping! Agnes B is having 25% off. Haha... can you imagine? But surprisingly I have showed plenty of restraint (mostly coz I spent the majority of my weekend in the hotel room trying to piece together my file! I am serious about the OT!) Time enough to wander about this coming weekend when the sis (and the parents!) are coming down for a family get together. Was just supposed to be the little sis... but the parents (or actually the mum) could not resist it. Haha... as such... I think I will have someone watching over my purchases. Tee Hee. Bought a kawaii-ish top, and I was laughing at myself in the shop (so not me!)... but after some modifications (by pairing it mostly in black), have transformed it into something that I will wear.

Taiwan impressions... it's hot! There's really not as much air conditioning as back home. The people are friendlier... especially the sales staff and the taxi drivers. There is this temptation to take a cab everywhere coz it's more or less affordable and there are plenty of cabs around. On the other hand, I cannot fathom why the mrt stations are always a walking distance from the shopping areas. So weird. Oh, and the people here really do give up their seats to old folks / preggers women! I am amazed. Not rare to find a crowded train with seats! Haha... And they are so "environmental" friendly. I finally realise what "shopping bags" are for. You have to pay for plastic bags. Am still looking for my perfect portable bag. Is it too extravagant to get an agnes b one? *giggles*

The stationery.... am so in love... haha... I have bought an entire little twin stars collection. Which I am using! It's tons more expensive than the hello kitty (coz it's manufactured in either taiwan/japan instead of china), but it's like back to childhood days... I don't care. It costs way less than Agnes B bags anyway and cheers up my work day. Hee... Oh, and my suzy zoo chopsticks! Need to head to the plaza again to look for more suzy zoo stuff. Happiness.

No photos as yet. Shall wait for trigger happy sis to come down. Am turning pasty in my stay here. Ha Ha. And most probably fat with all the bread I am eating. Love the cheese bread... yummy.


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