Monday, November 24, 2008

Of new songs

Have been taking advantage of this period of "nil" audits to catch up on songs, be it watching my fav TV program, or just simply surfing around for new songs. In the past few weeks, found a few new singers (new to me) that I like such as 方大同, 魏如昀, etc and what do you know, just got my latest "CD pack" and I have been saved the problem of searching for it by myself! Thanks! Well.. this song has been on my repeat list for the past few days... super soothing voice, though I'll much rather listen then watch him. No idea why the taiwanese gals think he is so cute.

缺席- 黃靖倫
爱只剩下 躯壳
是我 不敢信还是不舍
其实我 真的很难过
可能我 真的不懂得
却在你未来缺席 给你的爱
在你的未来缺席 像是一出剧本
未完待续 预留伏笔
爱 是不是都一样
不论多漫长 终究剧终人散
可是我不想因为不敢 却不剧散
给你的爱 那些美丽
预留伏笔 让未完成从容继续
原来我 还会微笑
预留伏笔 把未完成从容继续

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Tad...

It all went blank in a flash, slowly replaced by this huge blur, then everything came back into focus. I seriously think migranes just aren't supposed to be this scary.  Three full days of pain, followed by the numbness, and now this. My entire week seems to have been tracked by my daily progress. Waking up every morning, tipping my head a little side to side, testing for some reaction... reminds me of the days when I overindulged and woke up in the morning fearful of that hangover. 

This year seems to be plagued with its fare share of medical woes. Like the BEB says, I seem to be forever sick. Feels like that to me too. Can't seem to climb out of this hole that I've dug. Went for a swim with PR in the hope that some exercise will help. And I am glad that I did. If anything, I felt more refreshed and relaxed. Swims always seem to have that effect for me. And there was plenty of bonding with PR in betweens, i.e., we were two of those gals that just stood in the water chatting whilst the boys started pulling in their laps. I seriously think guys take exercise way too seriously. Hee. 

The bad part is... I just up-ed and left the pile of work to go for the swim. Think this week has been just that tad bit more vexing. It's one of those do or die weeks at work, since the QR starts on Monday. Have tons to catch up on... and I still have not mastered the art of saying no to more, but yet, my body keeps giving off these "stop" signals. A little hard to ignore when your eyes tear on their own accord. And so, I obey... but then I can't stop fretting, and now I wish I've brought it home with me. How typical. 

Am I afraid? I don't really know,  a little... as much as I try to scoff it off. After all, this is something quite new, and it never used to take me this long to bounce back. In my moment of weakness I casually asked S to accompany me to the docs on Tuesday, but she was busy. Of coz, when T asked me to GO see one, I brushed it aside. Yet I called bestest immediately after to talk, but he was too busy as well. That all happened in my 5 mins of panic. In the end, guess I just handled it my way, and for the record, there is nothing wrong, and I got it covered.  I feel ok, but yet I don't, and that frustrates me. Just don't want to over react. Oh well, cross my fingers that this will turn out to be another false alarm. 

Friday, November 07, 2008

Partially Stalked

Just realised that someone has been digging around for information about me... so scary, and memorised facts about my life! Double scary... thankfully this site is not that accessible. Anyways, guess this is a request to those of my friends who have linked this blog to theirs to "de-link".

Why partial? Haha... because I do know the person, and I did give out certain information (e.g. msn) freely. Tsk Tsk.

Sunday, November 02, 2008


The new look.... Rock and Roll

Lee Hom at his best... on the piano... he is so so so good!!!
Lee Hom on the violin.... quick, "wish upon a star" that he will be back again soon!

Just needed to note this down: 1 Nov 2008, finally attended a Wang Lee Hom concert!!! Theorectically, with the girls, but ended up with MT instead. Hee... But it was still loads of fun!

Was definitely behaving like a 15 year old, but he is so darn cute! And talented! I never ever knew he could sing so well (or could forget so much of his own lyrics *tee hee*). When he was on the violin and the piano, I was ENCHANTED. Really just in a dazed like state, enthralled. I think MT was having a good laugh at how "crush like" I could get, but I think she was too! If we were with the other gals, I think I would have been alot alot worse. Hee.

Love it that he sang 一首简单的歌. I think I was on a high the entire night. I think I've fallen all over again. Could watch the concert on "Repeat" mode... well, it's on repeat in my mind!!! To date my best ever concert yet.

Oh yeah, and we celebrated PRs bday too!

Saturday, November 01, 2008

A week that blazed

It's been a pretty weird week. Had work that really piled up. Sending emails at 3am. Little wonder that I am now down with a cold. But the funny thing is, this week, actually felt that the work that I was doing had some value. In my own little world, that is.
Went out on separate occasions with two peeps in the gang, who are currently on "cold war". Sighs, looks like this group needs to spend some time apart from each other. You know, at the end of the day, there really is no right and wrong, you just forgive and forget, yeah? Why let little events get in the way of the friendship? But then again, friendship seems to have lost its importance of late.... am babbling like an old lady again.
Got in touch with old man A again. And for the record, so that I will never forget, his birthday is 29 Oct. Weird though... I don't remember it at all. It's really not like me to totally forget someone's birthday if I knew it... yes, I'll forget the actual day, but the generic month? This time round I had no recollection of it. So we talked, or should we say, chatted... and seriously, some people's concept of love and relationships really boggles my mind. Sincerely hope that none of my other friends are that deluded. Certain things can really be curbed if (a) you put your mind to it; (b) you think about the people dear to you that you are hurting. But then again, as I type this, there are things that are hard to control as well. Arrrggghhh... these old fogeys have a way of screwing up my thought process.

To top off my werid week, went out with T and found that I did not enjoy myself as much as I usually do. Mayhaps coz I was sniffling away (I need to get well for WLH tomorrow!), or because I kept fretting about that powerpoint... whatever the case, just did not feel "right". Hope the wrongness disappears soon, it appears as though the walls are up AGAIN! Sighs.

Bumped into two pax of the Hall gang as well... bumping into these peeps from my other life is always disturbing, cannot quite explain it. Hearing talks about weddings, etc, and having all of them skirt around the topic of M. Oh well, when oh when will we finally grow up? Told them to give me a call when they next go out, wonder if they will. Will be fun meeting up with everyone again. Will he finally agree to be at the same place as me? Time will tell.