Friday, October 24, 2008


Just had recent conversations about the "dreariness" of work with two people whom I hold dear. Now, am not saying that I don't usually have my own litany of complaints about work... I do, in fact, Miss S and I just had a two hour dinner where we shared our work battles for the day. But the point is, we are mostly contented, happy and for all the story telling... it's just sharing of that day's experiences, and just "letting off some steam".For these two individuals, it's a different story altogether, what I heard was something very different. It was discontentment, and of the nature that could not be easily fixed, as it stems from idealism of what work IS.

Think it’s the value of worth that we learnt in school. Often we were told that when we finally embark into society, based on the education that we receive, we will be able to contribute, give advice, lead, etc. As such, many are demoralized when we realize that we apply maybe only a tenth of what we learnt at school in the work place, and that the classroom perfect scenarios just are not replicated in the world outside. A typical work day for most will be filled with admin, and the time wasting “P” word, politics… be it just pandering to the boss, fending off needless assignments, or posing in servitude to clients. Gone is the lofty impression that you are here to “create” value. After all, how much value can be created from packing the stationery cupboard? Wherein the value of many years of education when you are at the beck and call of the client just because he IS rich from birth?

Many, like Miss S and me, find the little joys of work that keep us happy. In a way, we throw much of the idealism out of the window, and take pride in the little assignments completed. If, along the way, we manage to avoid the spanners that get thrown in our way, or win some little battles, so much the better. Not saying that the way forward is to “ignore all”, but there is definitely a certain tolerance level built. But how do you explain that to those who feel that they need to be doing something meaningful, and that there is a need to be recognized for that work? Who hold on to the belief that the classroom scenario of “hard work will be rewarded in equal measures, all else being equal”? So I was thus somewhat speechless throughout the conversations. Recognised the “despair” that I was hearing on the other end, but totally helpless at trying to communicate a balance in opinion.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Of a Macs Birthday and Bag Shopping

Attended a very interesting birthday celebration on Sunday... at this really ulu MacDonalds at Bukit Merah! Gosh... the last time I attended a Macs Bday party was... hmmm... fifteen years back? at Serene Centre I think.

So whose birthday were we celebrating? *Drumroll*............
A very "young" BEB's~~~

He tempted me with the Macs stationery. Haha.

It was fun though. These days birthday parties are always filled with elaborate dinners followed by copious amounts of alcohol. In a way, a party that started at 11.30am and ended at 2pm was refreshing indeed. On the guest list was a mixture of sec school friends and ex colleagues, and I think all had alot of fun laughing at old photos... There was still plenty of time to carry on with other errands (including packing the suitcase) after the birthday ended. Though I must say there were approximately 10 very sheepish adults that tried to creep out of the party room after, whilst the real kids waited their turn for the 2pm birthday party. I think we all took plenty of pictures that day (I definitely have not taken so many in a long long while), and I took my first pic with the BEB (under the Happy Birthday sign no less). To top off the entire childhood feel, we were all stranded outside the Macs due to the extremely heavy rain. Boy, it was secondary school times all over again.

So much for secondary school days... what isn't very secondary school was my bag spree part 2!!! New York went by in a flash, no thanks to the boss who decided that he had to milk our trip for what it was worth.... 9pm meetings meant that I barely caught a glimpse of the much hyped about city. I kinda regretted not forking out the extral moolah for another night's stay... but, well, there's always a second chance rite?

Anywyas, back to the bag spree... I was in search of a particular bag (have you ever heard of a Coach bag for guys?) which I saw on Coach website, so I ended up at the really big store on Madison. And... what can I say... I left a much poorer person. But I must say, alot of it was due to excellent service rendered by the staff there. Having found the bag in question, I was still very hesistant on purchasing it. The very nice "auntie" promptly requested that two of her male colleagues model it for me, catwalk and all. Seeing how the bags fit on my impromptu models, I must say that all my doubts vanished. And of course, there was the usual bag for myself, for mum, etc...

And to wrap all that off... I am now the "proud" owner of a new backpack! Haha... super branded one no less. The purchase was thanks to my mum's bad influence yesterday.

Saturday, October 04, 2008

A Good Break

It's a little weird to consider being back at home as a good break... but that's really how I feel. Since Shanghai, it's been two and a half weeks of well, just being, in SG, catching up with friends and all. Amazingly, it has actually been a pretty busy 2.5 weeks at work, but somehow, just feel happy being back. Guess I truly know the feeling of "home is the best".

Have had quite a few opportunities to do the dinners and the pampering session. Had the worst crink in my neck the other day, so much so that I had to subject myself to one of those tui na sessions where I had to resist the temptation of telling the aunty to stop coz I could not figure which pain was worse. Unfortunately, I think the crink is still there, and I "look forward" to more sessions with the auntie. 

Unknowingly, I had a second round of "birthday" celebrations. First, dinner with mum and the family at Sweet, Salty, Spicy. Have heard alot about this place, and was looking forward to thai food... Unfortunately, think the place was a tad too noisy, and the food, a tad too catered towards the expat crowd... the search for good thai food continues. Then came the surprise bday celebration for Miss ene... that was good old fashioned fun. Though it was a Monday, we ended up at her place chatting till almost midnight, poor PR had to drive all the way back home. 

Had my first "aunty" birthday party... the littlest bunny turned 1!!!! OMG! Balloons, cupcakes, little piglets and ang pow packets... how not to feel OLD!!! Haha... the little one was so fat and chubby, she resembled the little piglets on her bday cupcakes. Definitely a replica of her dad. And then there was the hastily put together celebration for J. As usual, out with the two guys, I always feel most at ease. It's amazing how J can be so totally candid with his feelings despite the many years of marriage and him climbing the corporate ladder. Was thinking that we were gonna end up hitting the clubs, but I guess age has finally set in, and the bday boy... errr... I mean man, went home before the cinderella hour. Which left T and me looking for a quiet place as usual.... and we actually found one at Clarke Quay! Will wonders ever cease. Beautiful place, lovely music, definitely somewhere I will return to. And since the site is a temporary one, hopefully it will be soon. Unfortunately, with T embarking on the next stage in his life, and one out of the country, guess it won't be with these two old friends.

Birthday celebrations aside, I managed to squeeze time in for lunch with old friends (it's been more than a month since I had lunch at Maxwell with MT!), go clubbing (my first visit to MOS), have the yummiest dinner ever (the two xmms and me ate up a storm at OSO - 3 appetiesers, 1 soup, 3 main courses and 2 desserts!), and today... spend the entire day at home enjoying the sun, the tv, and even the housework. Definitely two weeks packed with social events, but really enjoyed every moment