Monday, July 30, 2007

Blistery Legs and M1 broadband

As is quite clear to all, have given up all pretence of working for the day. Have spent the entire day trying to figure out the following:
i. how u squeeze 2,500hours in 3 months
ii. how to come up with a suitable wedding invite
Needless to say, have not come very far in both assignments. Instead, have managed to catch up on the lives of my various friends via their blogs (this is an alternative to having beer sessions with each of them) as well as research on a possible bday prezzie for Jules. I must say that buying prezzies for guys are a lot more demanding on the the pocket and require a lot more homework.

Just needed to say this... for the past few weeks... have been getting blisters on my feet! And I am not even wearing closed toe shoes!!! All coz I have been nicely in sneakers for the few weeks in Europe. Sighs, it's amazing how my body leans towards comfort.

My other big achievement for the week, getting M1 broadband! Never heard of it till a colleague brought it up last week. One of the reasons why I hate being at "M" is that the client refuses to give us internet connection. But thanks to my colleague, I was connected in less than 12 hours, and at a relatively cheap cost of $22.40 a month. Speaking of my speedy connection... think we sometimes take our country's efficiency for granted. My host in England took > a month to get herself connected... Hee.

Waterfalls... Big & Small

This was a standing joke between sis n me during our Switzerland trip.
I happened to write to her about the pathetic waterfall that I climbed hours to see in Huzhou. And just before we went up to Lauterbrunnen, I showed her a picture of my "waterfall". She subsequently made it a point to bring my attention to every little bit of gushing water we saw at Bernese Oberland. Yes, I asked for it

Negative example of a waterfall with a grand name - 长龙百瀑, Huzhou (approximately 10 feet?)

A real waterfall - Staubbach Falls, Lauterbrunnen (approximately 1000 feet)

Imagine... I had the view of this from my "hotel" room... sighs, wish I were there now

Back in the heat of things

So I had a pretty idyllic July work wise... it was just leave and catching up with friends. Well, now that the work year has officially kick started... it's time to get back into the action!!! (not that I have much of a choice).

It's funny how everything always seems to come together all at once. It just dawned on Jules and me this weekend that the BIG DAY is less than 3 months away!!! In this short little time, we now have to confirm our photographers, guest list, print the cards, figure out the timetable, plan the program, choose the music. On top of this, I've got to choose my contractor, buy furniture (so need to get a budget out!!!) And of course, I would finally need to move into a house that I can call my very own. In the meantime, my room and the attic has been turned into a temporary store room... and I have more or less given up on trying to make it appear neat. :)

As usual, once the personal stuff floods in... so does the work. For months, most of my colleagues have been swatting flies (okay... not really swatting flies, but being relatively "eng" as compared to most of our work days). Suddenly... we are swamped, and everyone is fighting tooth and leg for staff. I look at my list of "to do"items, and I just wanna turn tail and run. On top of all this, I now have to prepare a "presentation" for my instructor training course. Sighs... if I wanted to teach, I would not have joined this company, right? How am I supposed to tell my boss that I actual have a very real fear for public speaking? Hmmm...

So need to exercise... after running around Europe for like two weeks... I was starting to feel a tad fit. But two weeks of just eating in Singapore... and I feel like a piece of lard again. How am I gonna fit into the dresses!!!! Had this grand plan of going swimming twice a week (Miss ene and PR: if you gals are gonna try that school swim again, let me know k?), but will see how it goes... Heard a little rumour that I'm going back to China again. Arrrggh!!!

But of course, all these preparations are fun in a way. Being back at work gives my brain an excuse to work. And it is quite fun really... working in Singapore... no more speaking Chinese... no more trying to work at 12 midnight... And furniture shopping is cool!!! Tables, sofas, coffee tables... they are pretty. I try not to think about the collective price tag though... else I don't think I'm gonna buy anything.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


So miss this idle typing... Am currently waiting for Miss L to call me for lunch... and so have decided to skive a little. Well, Jul 21st marked the end of my "live out of a suitcase" days... at least I think so. Was nice to have ended off all the travelling with a holiday! And to my most dreamed about location... London!!! Ok, so I visited Switzerland and Paris as well, but London... that was really a dream come true.

So the holiday wasn't all that magnificient (*hint* I went with M****) but... all in all, I did enjoy parts of it. And I learnt about my limits... I even bought my first branded bag! Will definitely post pics of my wonderings... as soon as I find a suitably fast connection.

Conincidentally, the end of the holiday also meant starting a brand new "year" at work, since the company's year end was on 30 June. So, I finally received "The Letter", and had a full year's bonus after a long two years. The money's not in yet... but at least there was bonus. :) Think I'm still partially in shock... considering that when I first started my career, I don't think I ever imagined myself handling my current job scope. Well, just goes to show what you know when you are a young 21. Anyways, don't think my portfolio has changed all that much despite the promises, but I guess as usual, the expectations have increased. It still remains to be seen if I will be subjected to the immensely difficult and tiresome "H" job... at this point, am not even sure what I'll prefer really... since it will come with opportunites to travel... hmmm... ponder ponder... guess I'll just let the "powers that be" fight it out. The sad bit about "letter time" is that it's also when colleagues start leaving. Have been attending and will be attending way too many farewell lunches.

Three days back in the hectic rush of things in SG, and I've just discovered that there's so much left to do!!! All that work and emails, courses to attend... and of course, personal stuff. Alot of upheaval at home... causing alot of of upheaval and heightened tension. Sighs... where am I going to find time to settle all that house and wedding stuff??? Oh yes, wedding... I so NEED to lose weight! Chocolates in Swiss are definitely not good for prospective brides to be.

But as usual, am quite certain that things will sort itself out... now if only I can find someone to watch Transformers with me.