Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Trying on gowns

Went for my gown search yesterday... (yes, in a jiffy, 4 months have passed... and the big day is 7 months away).... and my, I can only conclude that brides in this country are typically 10cm taller and 5kgs lighter than me. I could hardly fit in any of the stuff I tried.

It was an interesting but exhausting experience, trying on one after another article of clothing for about 3 plus hours? In the end, we kind of gave up on finding a suitable evening gown for moi, and decided to go for the "made-to-measure" option. For the uninitiated, there are two options given to prospective brides:
a) pick the gowns off the shelf, and they alter them, if possible, to fit you (cheaper option)
b) custom making a gown to your specifications, or simply, made-to-measure... i.e. you design and they make one especially for you, according to your figure
FYI, Option B is often about $500 more, and you DO NOT always get to keep the gown.
My final "gown" is going to be some cheongsam looking thing with a modern touch... am not sure how I am going to look in it, but it's not some breathtaking piece, so please don't bother holding your breath. The actual wedding gown is one of those tube thingies, sweet yet elegant, and all nicely covered. Unfortunately, the current choice doesn't quite fit... well, I have a couple of months more to pray for the designer to design my dream gown.
Mum, Sis, Jules and the little bunny were there for the fitting (thanks everyone for your input)... am impressed with how everyone patiently waited whilst I tried about 100 (ok, it's a bumped up figure) dresses. I think in that short period, I wore more dresses than in my entire life. Towards the end of the fitting, I could hardly remember one from the other. Maybe it has something to do with coming from a gals school... but I really detest dresses. Yes, they are supposed to make one look pretty... but only if you feel comfortable in them... and I cannot fathom how dresses can be comfortable! There, I said it. But having said all that, I do agree that a dress is somehow more appropriate for the ocassion... plus it makes my hubby happy... so, yes, I will endeavour to look my sweetest for the big day, even if it means losing that 5kgs. :) Next up, photo shoot.

Back in Office

Yup, my exile has ended... and I am back in the trusty old office with its internet connection. The reason why I'm being recalled back to civilisation? My manager is going on her marriage leave soon (Yippie!) and I am supposed to take over some of her "managerial" duties (Sobs...) So, in other words, more freedom, but more work.

Somehow it feels weird to be back in office... have gotten used to the never ending noise that exists in my little room at the client's palce, with three to five of us bustling around trying to complete the mount of work... suddenly, I am ALONE! but in exchange, I have internet connection... and I finally get to chat with those whom I have not "talked" to in a long while... More importantly, I've finally managed to keep myself updated on everyone's life through their blogs! (Yes, I know I log on to the network at home, but those hours are spent only downloading and replying emails)...

MT: am glad you are going on your holiday soon... hope your question will be answered then
Peirui and Miss ene: Oops... and there I thought that you gals were enjoying Lee Hom in concert without me again, never knew that such a stoopid decision could be made. Hope you gals can get back your money though

Sunday, March 11, 2007

The 2nd visit to Lanta

My seashell masterpiece

So it was back to Lanta again... the first visit was back in Nov 2005, at the very start of the season... in the midst of the rain....

This time round, the sun was shining really brightly and my 5 days 4 nights on that very pretty island passed by in a flash... again, it was one of those times where I wished that time could be suspended... the typical day was:

0700 / 0800 - wakie up and breakfast
0900 - dippie in the pool / sea / head out to snorkel / dive (with cute french divemaster)
1300 - snack in the room
1400 - back in the pool / sleeping on the deck chair
1800 - Dinner with loads of yummy seafood and cheap beer, topped off with either fried banana in honey or thai banana pancake with chocolate sauce.... or sometimes both

Surprisingly... despite all that eating... I don't think we really put on that much weight... must be the loads of fresh air that actually had us exercising more than we realised.

Anyhows, I have decided that one should spend at the very least a full week on that island... that way there will be ample opportunities to relax, as well as to dive, play explore... (Note to self: need to buy my own flippers, else Jules will always worry). Must say that I returned from the trip recharged, and more ready to face the corporate battles. Hmmm... this is what holidays should be about, now, if only there was a manta ray sighting... it would have been complete.

Beach Walk

Yummy Seafood

Our hotel!

Topped up with thai pancake... yumms

Monday, March 05, 2007

Holiday Starts!

The usual suspects
Finally had a break from work... and... it feels like such a long time since I had one... although the last holiday was just 5 months ago.... this time round it really felt like ages. Maybe it's coz things have really been hectic of late...

Anyways, left for Phuket with the gang on Saturday... stayed at this really big service apartment. It was very posh indeed (thanks gal for finding the place, will post pics up soon!), my bedroom even had a proper bath tub! The funny thing was, in our three days there, we never stepped onto the beach. In true Singaporean style, the highlight of the trip was shopping and eating.

Not very sure if I managed to relax as much as I hoped to... or if I managed to get as much sleep as I wanted to... am still having the semi sleepless nights, and still feel my emotions going roller coaster on me.... but the slight aching of the muscles after repeated exercise was a welcome feeling... at least I am getting my exercise, and it really feels good to be slightly more toned and tanned again!

Well, Jules and I are on the boat now to Koh Lanta to start our own mini holiday... cannot help but feel sad that there's only 5 more days to my holiday left... am starting to panic at the thought of all the work that I have left undone, and the work that NEEDS to be done... think Jules is right, I really need to learn how to let go... to stop being a worry bug before it all eats into me... *sighs*... must start psychng myself to realize that work can be finished as long as I put my heart into it... and that for now, a holiday is awaiting me!!!

The gang searching for lunch

Tucking into a yummy mango sticky rice