Friday, September 22, 2006

Opening Doors

When you are carrying a laptop and a million other documents, you tend to appreciate those nice folks that open doors for you... that's just my thought for the day... thanks to the two nice people who opened my cab door and the office door for me! In a way, that little action made my day. :)

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Divas for the night

The gang of four (coz the little lian was not around) went on strike yesterday... we decided not to be slaves to our companies for a change... as such, we "sang" for our suppers that night. A record FOUR hours spent at a karaokae joint, on a monday night no less!

I think it had something to do with the fact that there were a couple of us with absolutely no mood to get anything done at work... so we buggered off at 6.30 (so proud of myself), and had dinner at Kazu, located at Cuppage. Dinner was good... but seriously, Cuppage just gives one the feeling of being immersed in sleaze (okay, I am exaggerating here, but barely). Thanks people for bringing me to a place with good food that I've never been before!

Well... the highlight of the night was definitely the "singing" session... I think we've not had so much fun in a long, long time. Although we played mostly sad songs, we actually had plenty of laughs in between. Must be all the foolish attempts at harmonizing... but I think there was a fair amount of "belting" the hits to our heart's content... of course, a certain miss has developed a craze for Korean singers... and we had like 10+ Korean songs lined up. Unfortunately for her, none of them featured her current fav.

On hindsight, I was wondering what made last night so special... and my conclusions are as follows:
1) We were feeling a tad "emotional"... and were therefore more appreciative of each other's company...
2) There was only just us! I think this was really quite important. All our singing sessions in the past xxxx months have always been attended by various "plus ones"... and inevitably, that puts the rest on better behaviour. After all, we are really not "fantastic" singer, and you would just be more hesistant to fool around in the presence of others. I guess at the end of the day, the bond between the few of us is rather special... it's the "you've seen me at my worst, there's really nothing much I can be bothered to hide anymore" kind of attitude... but that's not necessary something we would like to share with others... and that has always given us a kind of inexplicable chemistry that always results in some form of frowns from others.. so last nite, there was none of that... and as a result... we had a roaring good time. (oh no. I am sounding like Ja here)
3) It was a walk down memory lane... I think the attendees know what I mean here... so thanks people, for hanging out and being around!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Blurry Weekend

Sighs... we did it again... went for a weekend of extreme drinks, and at the end of the day, the entire weekend just flew past. Worse of all, this as usual has a spillover effect to my monday... so I have not done anything!

But, of course, if I wasn't feeling so pessimistic (must be the rainy monday), the weekend was not that bad... there was a pretty good dinner at R's place... that guy can really cook. And saturday by itself was pretty fun... just wish I could erase the last hour or so... or that I had more discipline.

Things at work are sufficiently complicated at the moment... this is the make or break opportunity. I succeed here, I go up, I fall now... and everything is screwed.... so note to self, start finding that discipline! The work isn't that difficult!

Heavy Heart

Could be the weather
Could be the fact that I wasted a weekend
Could be a hundred and one different reasons
But the heart feels really heavy today.

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Marrying the wrong one

The TV addict strikes again... yes, that's me... the one who likes to read new lines into Channel 8 TV drama serials. Not sure if anyone caught the episode of the 9pm drama serial yesterday, but the brief synopsis is as follows:
- Girl meets Guy, and falls in love
- Guy falls in love with Gal too!
- Catch: Girl is approaching the big 30, and wants to get married, especially to a successful and responsible man... Guy is a born playboy who lives for the moment, totally anti marriage... extremly against the idea of MARRIAGE
- Solution: Break up... what else?
- New development: Gal meets rich successful plastic surgeon, who is extremly sweet and in love to boot. He proposes, and after contemplation she accepts
- Complication: what else? Guy and Gal cannot forget each other. Gal initiates a holiday with Guy just weeks before the wedding/

Oh my... what a fresh idea. I bet the entire concept of this show shocked all the aunties out there... it definitely gave rise to many a "tsk tsk" from my mother. However, I think for once the script writers are actually trying to depict the conflicting wants of the current generation, and I am quite sure that such dalliances are not as far fetched as our parents would like to imagine. The plastic surgeon is supposed to be the quintessential guy in every gal's dreams, but she is in love with the exact opposite. She decides as her mind asks her to do, but gives her heart one final chance to bask... the holiday scenes were both bitter and touching all at once. The couple went around taking photos, hoping to have pictures to remember their love, and were calmly disucssing her coming marriage.

Of course, at the end of the day, such a radical decision is not to be encouraged, so if anyone has read 8 days, her marriage does not work out, and they are never really able to move on.

Ouch... so it appears choosing the right one is important after all. There are just no remedies... or... mayhaps there never is a right one? Muahahaha... TV shows are really getting more and more interesting

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Getting Hitched

I suppose you know you're getting old when everyone around you has gotten hitched. With all the birthdays that were going on in the month of August, and the million and one meetups with old friends that I had... it appears as though everyone has gotten hitched.

Had a couple of phone calls and all from friends lately, and yuppers, we talked about the big M word. Heard of this pheonomenon from a couple of friends a few years ago, but it has only just started happening to me... hmmm.. mayhaps my friends are late bloomers after all?

Anyways, must say it felt kinda weird... a few of these meetings / phone calls were particularly memorable... oh well, if it feels weird now, cannot begin to think how it would be like when I attend the wedding... starting 30 Sep!

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Old songs that tug at heart strings

I am a sucker for oldies... I think they have the loveliest lyrics... simple maybe, but they carry the most meaning? So this song has been in my head for quite a while... reminds me a tad of James Blunt "You're Beautiful"... I think this is really quite sad, yet sweet

My Cherie Amour, lovely as a summer's day
My Cherie Amour, distant as the Milky Way
My Cherie Amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for
How I wish that you were mine

In a cafe or sometimes on a crowded street
I've been near you, but you never notice me
My Cherie Amour, won't you tell me how could you ignore
That behind that little smile I wore
How I wish that you were mine

Maybe someday you'll see my face among the crowd
Maybe someday I'll share your little distant cloud
Oh, Cherie Amour, pretty little one that I adore
You're the only girl my heart beats for
How I wish that you were mine

Monday, September 04, 2006

Tired of being unwell

Woke up this morning with a bad stomach, a bad throat, a bad nose, and teary eyes... I cannot take this anymore... there really should be a limit on the number of days a person can be sake. As a result, am super lethargic... *Sighs* How am I ever supposed to be in the mood to work if I'm gonna be forever sick?

On the bright side, the parents were not in this weekend, and the boy did not have to work... as such, we had a whole weekend to ourselves! Feeling was great, it has been a while since we had so much alone time...