Sunday, August 27, 2006

Happy Birthday

Hmmm... it's your birthday today... don't know if I'll ever have the chance to wish you happy birthday personally ever again... but yeah, I guess you've been in my thoughts. Well, did consider picking up the phone and texting you.... but I kinda figured I'll be making your birthday worse and not better. So anyways, just wanted to log down my best wishes somewhere... and hope that you had a great day just chilling out with loved ones.

Another "young" weekend

So... it was another weekend of pretending to be young... at least it beats coughing at home. :) Finally stopped couging enough to be let out on a Friday night... but since we were missing many members of the gang, the two bunnies, S and me decided to go eat at Newton... Plese remind me never ever to do that with this bunch again. So much for a cheap dinner... even with only half an appetite, we managed to rack up a dinner bill of a whopping $18 per pax... cheap for a restaurant, but amazing at a hawker centre... but then again, it's Newton.

For some unfathomed reason, there was a strict no drinks policy that day... so we started pondering on what else people do at night in Singapore... and we managed to narrow the list to eat, drink, catch a movie, watch soccer (with drinks), play pool (with drinks), or go bowling! We started out looking for a pool joint, which took us to Tanjong Pagar (the sleazy stretch) and then to Selegie (the less sleazy stretch)... but all the pool places were filled to the brim (surprise, surprise). And guess what! For all the years that I've watched people play pool... have never attempted the game myself.

So... since pool was out, we settled for the next best option... bowling. You never saw 4 people with such dismal scores! (Hmmm... ok, K did all right... but only if you think he's a gal) Thankfully, we had the last lane... but I did we did have a good time... I think we should attempt this again when more of the gang is present... then we can have longer laughs. :)

Since the night was still young... the ah lian amongst us wanted to go to the arcade. And my goodness, I finally saw the lian in action. :) Ok... I think she definitely plays arcade games better than any other gal I've ever met... which leaves me wondering how much of her childhood she spent at arcades.

Saturday night... still no bf in sight... and I had two birthday parties to attend... hmmm.. where should I go? Decided to head on down to Loof for I's party. After all, I did promise him I'll attend and I've not seen him in oh so long. It was a very tame affair as all his friends are the "kuai" kind of people who don't drink etc. To a certain extent, it was as though we were holding a 18th birthday party, only at a more "grown up" location. But still, it was nice catching up with everyone.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Sick at home

*Cough Cough*... followed by sleep... I hate coughing, but then again I think I deserve it this time round. Amazing how predictable my body is, and how often I try to test its limits... Oh well, at least this time round there is not much to do at work, and I can just sleep... which I just did :)

Jules has been very busy of late. This is also a very predictable event... everytime he needs to disappear to some country, he would be super duper busy. Hmmm... and L says it oft happens in the month of his birthday.

Need to break this cycle... am sure there is some way around it... For now, just more sleep!

Sunday, August 13, 2006

A trip back to 21

August is the month of birthdays… for some reason or other, have always been drawn to August babies… somehow there is this natural affinity. As such, I’ve been having birthday celebrations, big and small, multiple times a week.

A common theme that seems to be prevalent this August was age… all the little dinners and parties were of the two extremes… (a) we were lamenting our old age, (b) we were trying to pretend that we were still young. At one particular celebration on Jurong Hilltop, the birthday cake only reflected ‘21’ years (yes, we are into self delusion)

I strongly suspect that it was this mindset that caused us to head on down to Zouk on Friday. The night started innocently enough with S and me hitting back a couple of pints at Paulaners… Next thing I knew, he had this wild ass idea to head down to Zouk. A couple of phone calls to some shocked members of the motley crew, and we were all on our way down.

Must admit that the night was fun. It has been a long, long time since the whole group of us had a chance to go partying together. With the long list of commitments that working adults have, there were usually a couple of “no shows”. So yeah, Friday night was memorable, and we now have more stories to add on to our repertoire of drinking exploits.

So many changes, and yet so many things remain the same. The allure of Zouk is still the same… the drinks are still as potent… we still attempt to drink as much… and the people you see there remains unchanged. So… we are now amongst the older crowd, rather than the young punks… and drinks are now cheaper since Zouk has finally bowed down to competition, and has tied in with credit cards for one-for-one promotions, the clothes don’t fit as well, there are no longer any predators who deem us as prey… but the feeling is still the same. Once in a while, it is nice to just let loose, and have that nary a care in the world attitude. I guess at the end of the day, Zouk will always be a special place for me. It, for me, represents “clubbing”, don’t think I’ve ever had as much fun else where… and it has always been the one “place” away from reality. Many special moments were spent there, and many learning experiences. Haha… finally a place that I’ve grown up with… very much like my favourite book shop.

Think we survived the night pretty well… there were a few indiscretions here and there, but as a whole, we all managed to get home in one piece, and were able to wake up the next day in time for another get together dinner. J Met Z at Velvet… funny… he is most prob the only one of M’s friends that I still talk to, that I don’t cringe upon meeting… hall friends included. Maybe because he was one of those that did not point accusatory fingers back then. But then again, I guess he’s just not the kind that will do so. After all, he hardly said anything against PS back then. Just have the feeling that the past couple of years have not been all that kind to him. Sad… since he is quite a nice fellow… just a tad lost methinks.

So the first half of August has proved to be interesting indeed… managed to meet up with a lot of old friends… the second half of August promises to be just as entertaining. Will be attending the birthday of a very old JC friend… more old memories to be invoked!

Friday, August 11, 2006


It has been two full days of doing nothing... that's the only description that I have for what I have been doing. Two days of just waiting around for instructions to come. The ironic thing is that there's actually so much to do!!! Or even if it was my own time, I would have had so much that I would have done... but alas, that's not meant to be.

Initially, I enjoyed the idea of just watching time past. It was quite amusing, and quite rewarding... now, am just glad that the day is ending, and that answers would arrive in the week to come. Cannot wait to get my hands "dirty". Yes, I think I am a workaholic at heart.

Sunday, August 06, 2006


For time... just that one simple yet difficult to attain commodity. Feel the need for it most earnestly of late. Think I have been more contented lately in the job. It's nice... time consuming, but challenging. But yes, it requires time... which I do not have. Just been rather frustrated recently, coz there is just so much that I want to achieve, and no ability to achieve it. I want to complete my job responsibilities... I know that I can do it, the ideas are there... but I need to research a little more, need to clear up my thoughts... at the same time I need to sleep, to spend time with everyone, to spend time with myself. Been trying to meet up with some old friends lately.... haha, brings back plenty of memories. Had an interesting outing at Mt Faber, another interesting one at Paulaners. Always tell myself that this is why I still try my upmost best to keep in touch with them... coz at some point in my life they were important, and even after so long, the ability to just laugh and chat without a tinge of awkwardness is still there.

Do I try and do too much? But then why does it appear as though it was too little? Friday was a disaster... at work, and then later, when all co-ordination for the bday celebration failed to materialize. But then again, it ended well... hmmm... perhaps that's why we are still good friends. Mayhaps I really need to stop trying to control everything. Just read a book lately... the female protaganist is a control freak... kinda reminded me of myself... right down to why she feels so bad about relationships... after all, love is the one thing you can't control right?

Little Things Add Up

Smiles or Frowns
Laughter or Tears
All are a result
Of the simple little things

Have often thought
It was never a sudden onslaught
Rather more like a slow fire
That keeps burning strong

At times it was all good
At times it has been confusing
But like all things resilient
The foundation remained

It’s a tad topsy turvy now
Going from one end to another
Plus various other factors
Baby steps are essential