Monday, July 31, 2006


Caught two performaces over the weekend... first being my little sis's dance performance "Rummage" on Sat, followed by "Cabaret". And... I truly enjoyed both performances.

I think the little one's production was a very good amateur effort indeed. They got the lighting down pat if you ask me... and the entire production was entertaining (which is more than you can say for most performances) I think they outdid my expectations, which accounted for the enjoyable experience.

I had this "novel-like" feeling go through me in the midst of the show as I saw the little gal on stage. You know how it is like when you read the lines "sense of pride rush through him / her as he / she saw his / her child / brother / sister"??? Well, I think I actually did experience that exact same sentiment. I obviously had no part to play in her accomplishment, but seeing the well executed moves, I just felt proud of her / for her. It's good that what she has been training so hard for finally paid off. Not too sure about it, but I think that she has made quite a few sacrifices to come this far, so I'm glad that there were results to speak for itself. Think the little gal has had quite a tough time lately, and hopefully all the attention being put into Rummage helped in some way or other. Guess at the end of the day my family isn't very big on emotiong to each other, so I guess she'll just know that we care... and it's pretty much up to her to tell us how she really feels. :) Did I wish that she would confide in me? I guess so... but did I quite expect it? I guess not... after all, can't quite expect her to do stuff which I won't do right?

Cabaret was another out of the expected showing. I went in with "moderate" hopes as it was a local production, but I found myself being very impressed by Emma Yong's performance! I never expected her to sing this well. Fei Xiang (whom I have to admit really looks quite "not straight") had an amazing stage presence, but for some reason that I could not fathom, his diction was rather difficult to comprehend.

Must say that it has been a very satisfying weekend... and maybe the last weekend that I can enjoy in such relative peace! Today was the start of the new project... and I think my nightmares are all coming through... only redeeming quality? I have a straight bus to and from work, which starts at nine!

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Just some thots and feelings

Gee... I never fully realised how much a cubicle faciliated the ability to blog until the past few months. In the past, I would often pen a little note just before or after work... after all, it's after office hours, so who can actually fault me for spending a little time on personal affairs? But now that I'm practicing "hot-desking", I've been unable to even check my personal mails, never mind being able to pen a blog post.

This has been bugging me though... think I've gotten so used to just writing down how I feel, and on whatever that strikes me, it feels kinda weird to be bereft of this "output" resource.

So... what has been happening... well, there's been alot of activity in my life lately... and I still don't really know how I feel about it... I think in the first couple of weeks, it was as though nothing much has changed, and when I compare with those around me, I seem to be in a different league altogether. But now that the time draws nearer, and I've got more nitty gritty to concern myself with, I feel as though the whole thing is one big fat joke. It's like starting on an audit without filling up the audit planning memorandum... the whole thing is all based on assumptions and totally unplanned... which only leaves plenty of rooms for the unexpected... and unexpected has been exactly what I've been getting.

There has been quite a few of those litte "surprises" along the way... people reacting differently, differences of opinion... you name it, you have it... made me a tad bit apprehensive to be honest. I mean I knew there were bound to be hiccups... in fact these were problems that were inherently there from the start, but somehow, as it is with human nature, I kind of thought that since the problems have yet to blow up in my face, they would somehow just fade away... Well, I guess it is time to face these little things and to finally have a showdown on them one by one... Will I succeed? Hmmm... hopefully, after all, this is integral to my future happiness...

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Musings... Of little things that have gone past

Had a really good dinner with PR and S yesterday. One of those rare girly nights where we simply had dinner, ice cream and chit chatted our way through. Seem to be having more of such chill out sessions in the past week. Am really glad that I've finally made time for my friends... but honestly, not too sure I can keep this up... have been sleeping "late" the past week... so tired now!

Got caught in the maginificent CTE jam on the way back. As a result, we "prolonged" our chit chat session. Gosh... we have really gone old... the whole time we were talking about marriage, kids, and the feasibility of it all. I suppose I am really somewhat like a chameleon, at times with little identity of my own. Tracing back the past 10 years of my life, my character, likes and dislikes, and whatever I do in life, has been influenced by the person whom I have been dating. So, yes, in a way, I could have been one of those "over-achievers", and I could also have been one of those "good-for-nothings".

Reaching home, I was just musing over a question. If I could turn back the clock, would I have chosen another path in life? Would I even be in Singapore at this moment? After all, I think that if I ever had a semi unfulfilled wish, it would have been my wish to spend a couple of year abroad. And so.. how then does my current state fit in with the general matter of things? Is this what I would have wanted, or am I just making the best of the situation? All a little too deep for me... and obviously, none of which I have the answers for.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Busy Busy Period

So... it has been some time since I cam back from my China trip... and it has been so hectic that I've had no time to blog! Funnily enough, if I looked at my office schedule, it's supposed to be the "slack" period in my planner... after all, I'm on available time /on leave. But there was just so much to clear.

Had an extremly delightful trip to Bangkok... went up to Vertigo for dinner! Felt really spoilt by Jules. :) Big smiles.. Oh, and the thing that I've been looking forward to in office finally happened. So, all in, an eventful two weeks.