Sunday, June 11, 2006

A Proper Date!

Well well... time flies, and I'll be embarking on my first business trip for this job tomorrow!!! And it really is going to be a long trip... 3 weeks! Am still struggling with my luggage... there is so much that I want to bring... and yet, I have to keep in mind the limited capacity. *sighs*

Jules was rather sweet about this trip... and about a week ago he requested that I spend some time with him this weekend *Awwww*... and he brought me out for dinner yesterday. *double awww*... think it has been a while since we've gone for a "date-ish" dinner (except for a certain special incident a month ago), and that made yesterday extra special!

Dinner was at Halia Restaurant, which is located at the Ginger Gardens at Singapore Botanical Gardens. Although everything was really dark, I really liked the ambience of the place. Thanks dear for going all out to find a place that I've never been before. The food was average... but I liked my warm chocolate cake... and the surrounding more than made up for it. We even went for a walk after dinner... so altogether, it was a really good dinner... it felt like a proper date! (Hmmm... maybe he read my previous post about dating)

Being back at the Botanical Gardens brought back quite a bit of memories... and I figure, this must be one of the rare spots in Singapore whereby it's just nice at all times of the day. Remember coming here when I was a kid with the parents, remember being here in the dating years and I've often found it rather romantic (excellent place for an evening picnic with wine)... but yesterday was my first foray at night, and I found the place still filled with charm.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

We All Miss You Already!!!
~ Ella Diablo

7:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sigh...miss you a lot too.. cant remember last time i had a proper date....-.-"

1:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Skunkie - I think for u, it should be "I can't remember the last time I hadn't had a proper date" ...

11:27 AM  

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