Sunday, January 08, 2012

Favourite Festival

So with Christmas and New Year's out of the way, we're two thirds past the annual "celebration". Was just thinking that Christmas must be my favourite time of the year, in large part due to the fact that my close friends will always be at my mum's place on Christmas eve. Small gift exchanges, lots of good food and wine, and plenty of great company. It's the image of Christmas that I've held in my head since young, mostly influenced by the books of old England that sits on my bookshelf. So... there's no wintry landscape, and there's no fireplace, but the important elements are all in. Can't really think of or ask for more.

But that's me... I do know of people (and someone in particular) who gets particularly edgy during Christmas. Where everything is just "wrong", from the orchard road crowds, the horrible gift exchanges to the cheesy gatherings. And I guess for me, that's Chinese New Year. We've still got a couple of weeks to the actual event, and I've already got a headache thinking about the logistics (how to cart back the various goodies, how to change the cash for the ang pow), how on earth am I going to be at 5 houses on the same day. And than there's the very concerned relatives. Sighs. All these people whom I have to see not coz I actually enjoy their company but coz we apparently have the same genetical lineage. Who are not concerned about me but who love to ask the most personal questions. Just thinking about them makes me go all "bristle". Of course, this year and the family "issues" that keep popping up makes it all the more complicated.

Count down to D day begins.


Blogger miss ene said...

Babe, I'm dreading CNY too, especially visits to relatives' place where they'd be asking me stupid questions.

9:59 AM  

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