Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One more night

Sleepless again. I am beginning to understand why people drink themselves into oblivion. At least you get a good night’s sleep.

Maybe all I need is exercise – the lack of sun is not an excuse I know, but it’s contributing to my inertia.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Accidental Me

So, I have never been the most careful of people, and the running joke is that I need to be wrapped up in cotton wool to prevent injury, but the past few days have been a record, even for me.

I blame it on the sleepless nights. I have a strained back (for which I need to google solutions! Heat packs and medicated plasters don’t work, stretching causes too much pain, and I am too chicken to see a sinseh – nor do I think it is serious enough), multiple cuts, many many bruises (of which one actually measures 10cm x 5cm). It looks as though I’ve been fighting with every available piece of furniture, and then some walls. Seriously, I think I’ve fulfilled my quota for the year.

Insomnia sucks.

On a slightly better note, looks like I’ve regained the ability to write in complete and long winded sentences. ;)

Monday, December 26, 2011

Another song

Was never a real fan of Rainie Yang's singing till I heard this song. Rather simple but yet I can feel the emotions that she's trying to convey?


就代表又对我的心 撒了多少谎
选择相信 相信你是 爱我的

看你装无辜的眼神 我很窒息
难道你没有看见 看见我对你的好
还是你忘了 那些数不清的爱情轨迹

你说我傻 傻在爱上只懂爱自己的人
我说你傻 傻在爱她 你的眼睛骗不了人
我们都傻 傻在为一段没有未来的爱情付出

你说我傻 傻在爱上没有感情的分身
我说你傻 傻在爱她 就固执的奋不顾身
我们都傻 傻在宁愿被牺牲也不愿放弃天真

只是问心无愧 讽刺也无所谓

我说我傻 傻在爱上没有感情的分身
你说你傻 傻在爱他 就固执的奋不顾身
我们都傻 傻在宁愿被牺牲也不愿放弃天真

As an aside, this party period must be screwing up my body clock... for a person who's normally real piggy, I seem to be only able to sleep a couple of hours a day?

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Random again

Only during Christmas do I have the luxury of time to just sit and go "type type" at my comp. Irony being that this Christmas the only present that I bought before hand is the only present that I did not get to give. ;

Think in this age of Facebook status and Tweet updates, I'm finding it difficult to write anything above a sentence.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Song that I like

Just randomly playing music. Adele seems to be on many a person's Facebook these days, not to mention a constant favourite for talentime competitors. "Someone like you" seems to be the hot favourite for most people, but my personal favourite is below. What's your interpretation of turning tables?

Turning Tables

Close enough to start a war

All that I have is on the floor

God only knows what we're fighting for

All that I say, you always say more

I can't keep up with your turning tables

Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me

No, I won't ask you, you to just desert me

I can't give you, what you think you give me

It's time to say goodbye to turning tables

To turning tables

Under haunted skies I see you, ooh

Where love is lost, your ghost is found

I braved a hundred storms to leave you

As hard as you try, no I will never be knocked down

I can't keep up with your turning tables

Under your thumb, I can't breathe

So I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no

I won't ask you, you to just desert me

I can't give you, what you think you give me

It's time to say goodbye to turning tables

Turning tables

Next time I'll be braver

I'll be my own savior

When the thunder calls for me

Next time I'll be braver

I'll be my own savior

Standing on my own two feet

I won't let you close enough to hurt me, no

I won't ask you, you to just desert me

I can't give you, what you think you give me

It's time to say goodbye to turning tables

To turning tables

Turning tables, yeah

Turning ohh

Thursday, December 22, 2011


Sometimes I must just believe that it's for the best, no matter how wrong it feels now.