Friday, March 27, 2009

Say Cheese 2

Part 1
“Hello… I am from the China Daily Post. How do you find HK and our no smoking at pubs policy?”
The conversation took place on the streets of LKF coz the little girls wanted to take a walk around. This guy appeared from “no where” and just intercepted K and me. Obviously, it ended with a “why don’t you join us for a drink?” to which I politely declined…
And on the no smoking at pubs policy? Haha… they are so way behind. ;)

Part 2
In the hotel lift … caught someone looking at my reflection. I looked up, and there was a “having a good day”, followed by a “you alone”?

Weird things happen to me when I am overseas… thankfully, the guys are getting younger.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Thinking of you

You know I have alot of "me" time when I start listening to different songs... came across this via someone's msn nick. Quite like it. :)
Thinking of You - Katy Perry
Comparisons are easily turned
Once youve had a taste of perfection
Like an apple hanging from a tree
I picked the ripest one I still got the seed
You said move on Where do I go
I guess second best Is all I will know
Cause when Im with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I Was looking into your eyes
Youre like an Indian summer
In the middle of winter
Like a hard candy With a surprise center
How do I get better Once Ive had the best
You said theres Tons of fish in the water
So the waters I will test
He kissed my lips I taste your mouth
He pulled me in I was disgusted with myself
Cause when Im with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I Was looking into...
Youre the best And yes I do regret
How I could let myself Let you go
Now the lessons learned
I touched it I was burned
Oh I think you should know
Cause when Im with him I am thinking of you
Thinking of you
What you would do if You were the one
Who was spending the night
Oh I wish that I Was looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Looking into your eyes
Oh wont you walk through
And bust in the door And take me away
Oh no more mistakes
Cause in your eyes Id like to stay... stay....

Friday, March 20, 2009

我代你哭 - 郑中基

Found a new song! This time round in Cantonese... how much of it do I really understand? Hee...

我代你哭- 郑中基

寧願擔心亦期望你 多找幾個情人
別這麼愛奉獻 但求自己快樂要緊
曾經一起未留住你 都清楚你為人

還未答謝你 曾付出的跟你沒法比
寧願這福氣 來日全部回贈你

如得不到甜言蜜語 得到知己好過
若果這個是我 盡情地傾訴像最初
誰管當初是誰做錯 將悲傷交給我

還未答謝你 曾付出的跟你沒法比
寧願這福氣 來日全部回贈你


Of Sorts

My version of moods... sorts... so today's "sort" is this little butterfly in the stomach feeling, of missing someone / something... not too sure if it's home, or just missing being with someone. Just realised that it's been a long time since I had a nice big hug, an open conversation that is free from grouses. Have little K here with me so thankfully this trip isn't as lonesome, but it's still different from hanging out with the gang... after all, they do know all my little secrets. But somehow feel as though we've had more and more secrets of late. Wonder who started it... was it me? Had a good chat with T on msn this morning, think we've found it again!

Ended up listening to a bunch of semi melancholic songs... not too sure if it helped... but it goes with the grey overcast skies here.

This time last year had to be one of my lowest points... at least I am now treading upwards?

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


You mean you speak English to your parents? How can that be? What kind of Chinese household is that?

What is so surprising about a family that speaks only English (and at times Mandarin?) It always amuses me that my colleagues here think that I am weird just coz I do not understand Cantonese. Of course, at times I feel really left out as well when they ramble on and on during lunch and I literally "catch no ball". So, I am "dialect-handicapped"... but I really was not exposed to the dialect! Don't see why that should be a "snub" factor... but it is with the peeps here at work. And coz of that, I don't even try to make an effort to tell them that I do understand... I do confess... in retailiation, when speaking to a certain Mr D, I always double up my English speed just to prove a point.

Of Fridays

I spent the last Friday night in SG watching two people get drunk and eventually having to send them home. 1 was fixated with ghosts and the other with his job and the corresponding inability to get hitched. 'Twas not what I expected when I agreed to head down but funny nevertheless. Firstime I saw W drunk... never thought that it would ever happen. :) Would love to post photos of that night but I don't think I will be forgiven... hee... yet another one for the big black box.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


Apparently February marks the "real" beginning of work in this company, and so I was spent a-packing to a new city ... Manila.

Amazing how I have been more or less brought up by various domestic help from Philippines but I have never picked up any Tagalog. Well, I guess that is a proof of their english competency. So I already knew I was not going to have any problems with language in the country. But what else could I expect?

I was definitely not prepared for the shocking pink roadside toilets that they had for males! Nor the amount of security that they had! Every big shopping centre and hotel had its fair share of semi automatic toting guards, along with the cutest guard dogs! In my short 10 minute walk from hotel to office, my bag gets checked no less than 5 times... thats an average of once every 2 minutes. 

Two weekends in Manila... I had plenty of time to "explore" the shopping centres. This was my next "shock" point, the shopping has been so "localised" that even the international brands are filled with clothes in shocking pink, dark brown, dark green, purple and orange. Walking shop after shop, I could not find any thing to buy! Anything that I thought worth a second look was always tagged with a price tag that I could not afford! And the stuff that I could afford... well, let's say that Bangkok or Hong Kong are safe from being replaced as my shopping destinations. Not too sure who could afford shopping in these shopping centres... hmmm... 

One "fear" my mum had prior to my visit was security... and she gave me a "sagely" advice: try and look like a local. Well, mum really should not have feared overly as besides the extremely tight security in the place, I was mistaken as a local throughout my entire stay, despite my many "blank" looks when spoken to in tagalog.

All in all, did learn alot from my trip to this new city, not to mention had alot of fun in the water during my weekend dive! Kinda amazed that the country has not done better as they are equipped with the infrastructure for success, but then again, most people I spoke to were very happy with their work life balance... so who am I to assume that a booming economy is necessarily the better thing?