Thursday, May 25, 2006

A Little About Dating (or of Men?)

So I have been in this new job for almost two months… and it really does has its interesting portions, one of which is the constant flow of new people that I get to meet.

On my current assignment, I am working with TY… and with him being newly married to his girlfriend of >10 years (!!!), we’ve of course been filling in all our spare hours with talk of dating, wedding preparations and marriage.

One conclusion that I cannot help but to reach… relationships that blossomed in our teenage years (puppy love) are really so much the sweeter. Have had this entire conversation with TL before over msn, and he was of the opinion that we just don’t realize when guys do “sweet” (aka Ben Affleck) stuff anymore… However, I still humbly beg to differ. Guys at our age just aren’t as sweet… perhaps circumstances are different, perhaps they are more practical, but whatever the reason, the feeling of being “romanced” is very much discounted the older we grow. Perhaps that is why the rest of us gals always feel that a certain A does indeed have strong feelings for S… coz he still bothers to surprise her and be “sweet”.

So is it the age that we start dating or is it just Men? I would like to think that girls still like being “romanced” even as they age, and even as the relationship progresses. I for one am a sucker for guys who open doors, little sweet texts in the course of a day, compliments when you make the effort to dress up for a date, and yeah… the process of even going for a date! These days, every outing is either an errand or a chill out session with friends… what happened to dates!!! Remember the good old days when a guy would make reservations at a restaurant, pick you up in the borrowed car, bring you for a nice dinner, spend time talking to you, and then thanking you for a marvelous time after? Well, I doubt that even Mr. S whom prides himself for being rather gentlemanly and romantic does that to Ms. E anymore…

But I figure that to guys all this romancing is part of the chase, and not of the relationship. And with relationships happening by itself as one grows older, there really is a lot less “chasing” involved. Think about it… when we were in our teens, it could take like a month before a guy digs up the courage to ask a gal out… these days it happens in 5 minutes over msn. :) Now dates are disguised in various forms, perhaps it takes away the nervousness, but it also does reduce the “specialty” of it all.

Haha… think that I’ve succeeded in sounding like a bitter and disgruntled old woman at this point of time. However, thankfully for every couple of wham bang, thank you mam kind of dates, there will be a few people like TY who believe in old fashioned kneel down proposals, or people like my lunch “date” for today, who believe in meeting you at your office rather than directly at the canteen… (ha, but then again, he is young)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

funny -.-"
maybe i go update my blog, been sleeping too much today, now cannot fall asleep

10:29 PM  
Blogger chiarezza said...

Hmmm... now I have to wonder who it is again.

11:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

obviously sharon loh.

9:18 AM  

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