Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Freakish Accident

My neck hurts!!! It has been an accident prone week for me. All started with the little tumble I had, followed by a couple of knocks and bumps into various bits of furniture. But, I guess I needed to end my week with a "bang". (yes, I know, corny)

Was popping down to my fav bookshop to go sieve through the tons of new books that arrived. As I had a whole ton of books that I was about to return as well, decided to jump into a cab... So there I was, in a cab, going down the CTE... texting various individuals. Somewhere near the Moulmein exit, the usual CTE syndrome "happened"... traffic came to a standstill... for no apparent reason. This of course led to the usual sighs by both me and the taxi driver. However, what came next was rather unexpected.

Up to that point in time, traffic was actually rather decent for a Saturday, and so everyone was travelling at about 70 to 80 km/hr. The driver of the car behind (don't quite remember the model and make) must have been cruising along and having a conversation with his passenger so much so that he did not realize that traffic had stopped in front... the result being that he crashed headlong into the taxi. Funniest thing I remembered about the incident was that said driver must have been so unaware of the traffic conditions in front of him that there were no screeching of brakes that is typical of such incidents.

Well... poor taxi uncle had a much dented rear, his boot was more or less smashed in. And me... well I have a stiff neck to show for my experience. So yes, it is with much difficulty that I am typing this post. :)

Monday, March 13, 2006

A song that I like

走路去紐約 - 陶晶瑩

每一次我想見到你 就要飛 
無論地球上哪一角 我一天就到 
用飛的原因不外乎 時間太少 
你想擁有我每一秒 你今天就要 

有時因為你 有時為自己 
不覺得 那會是距離

突然很想不要飛 想走路去紐約 
走路去紐約 也讓感情在時間裡 
有機會 沉澱自己

Yes... it's song time yet again. Have the habit of listening to songs whilst I am at work... and yes, more often than not, the songs are in chinese. Why so? Really, it is because they are less "noisy, and at the same time, I don't really understand what they are singing so I won't get as easily distracted. However, every once in a while, a song's tune would strike me and I'll sit up and listen. And then... I'll try my hardest to decipher the lyrics... and yes, they often tend to be the sadder songs.

Quite liked the lyrics of this song. Matilda Tao's singing voice is a tad nasal, but she's got quite a few meaningful songs... the kind that tug at heartstrings and very aptly describes the woes of the modern woman. Although I won't go as far as saying that I would like to walk to New York, totally understand the feeling of needing to slow down a little, take a look at what has been neglected thus far, and take stock of what is happening in life... and in the relationships. Particularly like the line that goes "you want every second of my life... and you want it today", very often, that's what the demands in life feel like, doesn't it?

Friday, March 10, 2006


Feeling a little overwhelmed
Things are flowing in from all directions
I don't know what I should be doing
Don't know what is mine anymore
Everything is crumbling
Funny thing is
The more I smile and grin
The closer I am to crying
Keeping the tears at bay
Not so sure why everything is falling apart
Could I have done more to hold the fort
Or was it really me that casued the disrepair
Should I abandon ship
Should I perservere
Or really should I just have a good cry
Release all the pent up frustration
Let others see it, and know that
I am actually on the verge of self destruction?
What is strength, and what is weakness?
Think that the lines are getting blurer by the minute

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Taking little breaks now and then

Hmmm... have not updated my blog in a bit. Everytime that happens, it is a good indication that I've gotten a little busy at work. Well, starting my count down over here in office. And... there is just so much to clear before I can say "bye" to this place.

Due to the shortage of manpower, have still been given some new stuff to do... at the same time, desperately trying to clean up the mess that exists of my current portfolio. After all, in so much as far as possible, dun really wanna pass shit onto others to do. However, it is becoming apparent to me that unless by some fortune, I have >24 hrs in a day, I am not going to be able to finish as much as I want to accomplish. Should I then, forsake my personal time, forsake lunch? Well... being the ever ambitious me, was still struggling to achieve the best of my 45 different worlds or needs... that was until yesterday.

Not sure whether it was sparked off by a break up of a very good friend... but I had my own little tiff yesterday... and yes, I had my own little tumble as well. So, that was impacts to both my physical and emotional being... and I guess, I figured that I need to slow down. Work wise, for better or worse, I've let some of the work pile up over the months, and it's about time to prioritize and be realistic about what I can clear. Social wise, perhaps I really just can't have farewell breakfasts, lunches and teas with everyone! Just kidding... at the current moment, it's only farewell lunches, but yeah... maybe that has to be cut as well.... After office hours, that I really don't know... in the past week, have tried to work overtime, go home have dinner with parents, meet jules, be with my friends.... little wonder than that with all those thoughts in my mind, I slipped and fell and am now a tad handicapped.

So... I have resolved... am going to slow down a little... and take little breaks... coz only when you do so, are you able to look at what you have done, and review what else is left... that beats running around like a headless chicken.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

A Visit with Old Friends

Took the day off yesterday to go run some errands, and then decided to pop back to the old office for a visit. And what do you know, ended up spending a good 5 hours in those two buildings, saying hi to old friends, old bosses... and just other people. Haha... never meant to dally there for such a long time, but it just so happened that yesterday was the day that they all received their bonus letters... so... they were all in the mood for some catch up and gossip.

Actually felt a little out of place when I first reached Clementi. Have been going from office to home for so very long, took a while to register the neighbourhood bustle. It was nice to finally eat a good, cheap lunch... chill out with friends, and simply not be in a rush to run back to office. Had lunch at S11 with KH and G, but... unfortunately, my favourite minced meat noodles store was closed! For some reason which I could never quite figure, the one hour lunch break at clementi always seemed longer than a one hour lunch break in orchard... perhaps it's the queue, perhaps it's the co-ordination, cannot quite figure it out as yet.

The main purpose of the visit yesterday was to go see J before she gives birth in a couple of weeks. And boy was I in for a shocker! Okay.. if ever I had a ticking biological clock... it was all reversed yesterday. I cannot phantom at this point of time ever having to lug all that dead weight around. *shudder* what a scary thought... Also, I think I've gotten used to all the preggers mothers here in Orchard... all dressed up to the nines, fancy maternity clothes, make up.. they really make pregnancy out to be the "it" fashion for the year... was a little taken aback to see the other side of it all... the "unglam" portion. However, she does seem eager and excited about the new baby... albeit a tad afraid. :)

Perhaps the main highlight for yesterday came after the visits... Had dinner with an ex colleague at a very nice chill out spot at Bukit Timah. Considering how most of our dinner / drinks plans have traditionally been sandwiched between many appointments, it was a rare opportunity indeed that we actually met at about 6... and I reached home at about midnight. The establishment we visitied had a wide selection of belgium beers... and it seemed to be our personal goal that night to try all the beers with an alcohol content of >8%. Haha, obviously, I was pretty knackered by the time we were done... and I must say it was one of those occassions that conversation flowed really freely. I sense that the balance between us have shifted a little, mayhaps for the better. Certainly, we were more open about a couple of topics, and I guess now that he has also moved on, it really was a conversation between friends, and less of a conversation between colleagues. Must say that alot of the tension that has been building up within was released that night. Really just had a good night of fun... :)