Thursday, October 27, 2016

From Manila to Mumbai

Super random post because I am tired but can't sleep. 

On a whim thought I'll try and read my own blog, something that I've almost forgotten.

Just landed Mumbai from Delhi and as I checked in the hotel staff informed me that this is my 4th visit in 4 months. Looks like I've switched haunts from Manila to Mumbai. Both countries bear more similarities than what most people would imagine - interesting taxes, English proficiency, excellent excel skills, traffic.... Delhi was an eye opener, how many directions can cars move on an expressway?

On a personal level, both are novel heavens for me. I just picked up 5 books at Delhi airport, thank goodness for a huge luggage. India as a country is really one that still loves to read, and the hard copy version at that. Every other colleague I meet is happy to chat about their latest read (vs. the latest Korean drama), share a must read good book, and talk about their dreams of creating a mini library in their home (which I then share a picture of my mini library). In that sense, I totally belong. 

This is the place that I don't have to explain that hard copies are different from soft copies. That buying books in a book store is not about the quantity but the selection. I think it's the British colony feel, but I relate to the selections here, and it's so easy to identify another 5 books that I want to get. 

Control I must, as... my mini library is fast reaching it's limit. And before I gush on endlessly about books, time to log off and go read Shantaram.