Sunday, July 31, 2011

"Me" time

It's been such a long time that I wrote anything in this space... almost forgot the login. Me and my poor personal administration. Not to say that I have not written anything for the past few months, I have, dribs and drabs on various scraps of paper.

With the change in job, I am slowly adjusting ... and finally have the time to tick off the little "to-dos" that has been at the back of my mind. For the first time in at least a year, I only have 7 unread emails in my personal inbox - am so impressed with myself. Just one week ago it was at close to 2,000 (yes I have alot of junk mail). Have also finally unpacked and repacked almost every single cupboard and drawer in the house. It really is pretty interesting going through the years of accumulated momentos - some with lots of real memories, and others long forgotten. Like the diaries that I kept in secondary school, my first ever pair of ear rings, each new box is a new discovery.

Admist all, how does one decide which to discard and which to keep? The old pair of jeans that I can no longer fit in but I thought was the nicest ever? The extremely comfy JC PE t-shirt that looks a bit like a rag but I love sleeping in? The old essays and letters that I used to exchange with friends? Old address books? .... the very tattered storybook? The list goes on and the thought process is really quite interesting.

Maybe, just maybe, after figuring out the formula for tidying up the house, everything else will be a piece of cake.