Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Another Song

Heard this on tv not too long ago... decided to take a second listen, and decided that I like it!

想你的习惯 - 小宇

该怎么不怕孤单 哦,
不变 这一天我想跟着你

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Mumbai Photos

Photos from Mumbai... cannot help but feel very lucky after being there.

Uniformity... the better taxis all lined up prettily in a row

"Decent" Housing

Another form of "Housing" - tents on the street

No housing at all... this is a family cooking their dinner under a bridge

And the famed bus with people piled on...

Bag Crazy

Anyone who knows my shopping habits will have figured that bags rank high in my shopping priority and is the one item which I lose all rationality over. (Well, stationery is the other, but the impact to the wallet is immaterial). Having said that, it’s a wonder that I have never received a bag as my birthday present. (Hint!)

I have sort of lost count on the number of bags that I actually own, but I am pretty sure we are still counting by the tens rather than by the hundreds. J I tend to see “beauty” in most bags, and can find a myriad of supposed “uses”. It never fails to amaze when I declare “But I don’t have a bag that can fit xxx purpose!!!.

Till late last year, no one has made a fuss on my bag spree. That’s mostly coz I’ve restricted purchases to the affordable category (i.e. SGD 100 is an expensive bag), living by the motto of quantity rather than brand. But since my expedition to Hawaii last year… oh my… I seem to have “upped” my standards. I count at least 12 bags in the last 12 months (1 bag per mth!), of which at least half have exceeded my so defined “affordable” category. As a result, I daren’t bring my new bags home least my mother starts fussing! And it appears as though once the bug bites… it doesn’t really stop…

Found myself surfing the web (when I am supposed to be working! Sighs!) for bags to buy on my upcoming New York trip. It all started when the itchy feet of mine stepped into Coach at the airport… and I spotted a very pretty bag from their Zoe collection. Next thing I knew, spent at least half an hour with the BEB via MSN looking at Coach and LV bags… haha… two shopaholics. Obviously he was very “encouraging” on my proposed spends.

To buy or not to buy… that’s the question on my mind. Figure that if I leave it well alone, the urge to buy will subside (or at least I hope so). After all, I am still recovering from my Hong Kong extravagance. Guess we’ll just have to play by ear when I reach New York.

Living in Style in Shanghai

So I just had my first experience of Shanghai as an "expatriate" from Singapore. Hitherto, all my trips here have been budget experiences, coupled with the fact that I normally stay far far away, in the "Woodlands" equivalent. With the new co, I finally got to stay in "Orchard Road", and enjoy the luxury of having good food and shopping available at every turn.

Of course, it did not help that Miss L decided to tag along and make use of the free accomodation. As a result, we spent majority of the time eating out in style, somewhat determined to sample the different offerings as stated on the Luxe guide. Amazingly enough, I had sampled quite a couple of the restaurants before... but never in a continuous stretch. (As a result, I hereby resolve to hit the pool when I get back home!!!) Anyways, think the gal outdid herself shopping, shopping and more shopping! And I guess she was somewhat amazed at the chinese "culture" (or lack thereof). At times, I felt almost like a veteren... haha.

The two of us were rather excited about spending mid autumn here... but were rather disappointed to find out that although it's important enough for it to be a public holiday, the Mid Autumn atmosphere was obviously missing.... no mooncake booths around, no decorations, no lanterns, and due to the rain and "smog", no MOON! When I mentioned this to a colleague, he actually said that there's actually very little emphasis placed on the traditional festivals here, and that you will find that there's a much bigger hoo-ha over Christmas and Valentine's day! For some reason, I found that quite sad. Asking around, most of the locals I talked to actually did not know the stories behind Mid Autumn... somehow I found that slightly disturbing.

Guess in a way, that pretty much co-relates with what I feel about this country, it's a land of extremes. There is this age old culture, and yet, it's not really passed on; It was a civilisation way back, yet, how do you account for the spitting, the open toilet doors, and the habit of rolling up the t-shirt to expose the belly. This is the place where kids clothes have a slit in the pants to better facilitate kids bowel movements on the streets. Shanghai especially lulls you into thinking it's a safe and developed haven (so much so that Miss L kept forgetting to lock the door!), yet, there are plenty of pickpockets and pleasant girls loitering outside 5 star hotels. The starting pay of a graduate is supposed to be around RMB 2,000 even in Shanghai, yet, most of the stuff I see in the shops are more expensive than their equivalent in SG (SGD 100 for a simple top). Sometimes I really find it hard to reconcile these extremes, and do admire those friends of mine that have decided to venture here. During the clubbing session on Friday, as they were "basking" in the company of their newly acquired "girlfriends" for the night, L and I could not help but observe that most of the guys actually felt quite lonely. Mayhaps that's why they find a need to over-indulge in alcohol every weekend.